I MOTHER EARTH #1 most added at rock radio!!!
Well, there you go gang!! We just received word that WE GOT THE LOVE is the #1 most added song at rock radio this week! Meaning: more stations added the tune to their playlists than any other song!
See what happens when a lot of determined people get involved!!?
Thanks to all… we share this little victory with you!! Let’s keep at it, whatever everybody is doing, it’s working!!
IME playing bluesfest in Ottawa.
Loving the new song! Footage from your shows is great….. I’ve been waiting years for IME to get something going again, love the new approach. I can’t wait to see IME Rocking it out at Magnetic hill July 7th, this is the reason I’ll be purchasing my ticket! All this talk about scenery and fish it’s like everyone forgets or never realized how great an album Quicksilver meat dream still is, front to back!
I find that I call the edge all the time and I have never
Hear my request played. Until the other night my good
Friend bookie played it for me. Now that this is the #1
Song requested when do we get the second new song
We want more hope you guys do another show in toronto
Soon like this summer
Does this mean we get the second song now?
This will probably go un-noticed…
But I’m a volunteer firefighter and we do a fund raising Mother’s day pancake breakfast (15 minutes north of Kingston). It’s a very greatful nod to all of our Mothers for bringing us up (right). Every time we do the breakfast I think of you guys and ‘The Mothers’…
I was at your show in Toronto, and I’m a big fan. I’ll support you from here, there, and until the end.
We get some great (and appreciated) radio coverage, but we could always use a big name (like you guys) to help us raise money for equipment.
Yes I know, that’s a stretch. Just throwing that out there… you have my e-mail
Nothing ever gets ignored by us! Especially good ideas and noble causes. Not sure how to help though! Let me know what you’re thinking!
So in helping get this song out there I came across the fact that Soundgarden has a new single as well, and they’ve reunited.
So I jump over to youtube to take a listen. Our good friends at the RIAA or wherever have removed all instances of it due to copyright reasons.
Fine, I’m a little upset, but that is the choice they made so be it.
So I search google for some of those 10th page deep hidden sites that will have the song available. I found a few of those that were tagged and removed as well.
So would you go and support a band that puts that kind of sour taste in your mouth. I can’t even listen to your music before I buy it.
Rewind 1 month, IME drops a track, it’s on youtube posted by them within an hour. It’s available for free if you came to the concert. Then a few weeks later they release high quality tracks for purchase and even then say if you can’t afford it right now then steal it. If you buy it, share it with your friends.
I’d really like to know what percentage of the 5000 attendees purchased the song, I bet it is a healthy number. There will always be people who are just grabbing stuff for free, that is unavoidable. But this method is shaking the fans hand and saying I respect you, rather than getting our jaws to drop because a new album comes out and then curb stomping us.
While I agree with the sentiment of how awesome IME are going about promoting themselves in a way that is inclusive for everyone in the band’s community, I have to defend Soundgarden. I work for a non-profit music publishing / licensing agency (how songwriters get paid for writing songs. The new Soundgarden single is set for release on the soundtrack for The Avengers movie (FULL ALBUM IN THE FALL) and the song was leaked without permission. Disney (Marvel) has licensed that track for exclusive use and they can put it up or take it down from the web as they see fit. The band doesn’t really have a say in the matter (too many suits in control). That’s what you get for being signed to a major label. The landscape of the industry is shifting and IME are way ahead of the curb on this. Soon enough the leverage will be pried out of the hands of the 4 remaining major labels and be put squarely back into the hands of the artists but that takes sacrifice and growing pains for artists in the meantime. IME are in the unique position of having existing fame with no hands in their pockets… That puts them in a good position to do what they are doing, in the process they are making the industry better for all other indie artists…
I’m also positive that there will be a free stream of at least some of the new Soundgarden music available long before their album drops in the fall…
Agreed! People do have to realize that these sometimes frustrating instances of protectionism have zero to do with the band and everything to do with the companies they are signed to. I don’t blame the ‘suits’ for wanting to control their ‘product’, although with a sometimes uninformed public, the wrath is directed towards the wrong party.
For us, we are in a good place where if we feel like giving people music for free, or for $50, it’s our own decision and we will accept the consequences… but at least we feel justified in our successes and failures and have no one to blame. That uncertainty is exciting to us and feels really good.
While we may be ahead of the curve, we don’t look at it like the aforementioned ‘prying of power’ from the hands of the industry, after all they have too much money! Lol! I do however tend to believe that we are carving out a business model that works for a band like us to just do what we like to do, (who’s popularity was basically destroyed by a ‘process’ btw)
Hopefully we can set an example for the musical 99%, and drag some minds along with us, showing that there are alternatives to the standards that have conveniently been laid out for artists. Who says the romance is gone from the music business? It’s there but you’ll miss it if you’re looking in the wrong direction.
Thanks to you and Travis for a well thought out post! Love it!
It’s a tough one to swallow for music lovers, but once any band signs to a contract, EVERYTHING they do, including fart tapes, become the property of the label. They can distribute and protect it any way they see fit, even if it damages the rep of the band. It’s a simple matter of ownership… Soundgarden doesn’t have control over a massive corporation’s policies, so go easy on them… They still rock!
I do feel your pain though. Understandable, but how many fans are as cool and honest as ours?
It is in the regular rotation at live 105 in Halifax. Has been even before Jag’s post that the song had been ‘serviced.’ Also listed on their website in the top 20 songs to vote for….vote here: http://www.live105.ca/
I heard it on 97.7 today!
C103.com in Moncton won’t play it yet…they said its not in their available list yet! I told them to push it up the ladder and get er’ added!
IME, get the song on RDIO. Another Great way for fans to hear your new Tunes!
That’s awesome guys. I’ll (and I’m sure I can speak for the we) will continue to support you, hoping that you not only feel the love, but see it too!
Still requesting it at Power97 here in Winnipeg, but I haven’t heard it on there just yet. I’m hoping for any day now. A few more requests coming from not just me might help. Fellow fans, please show some love and send them a request on http://www.power97.com
Eh?… see what I did there? Show some love? … okay, that was a little bit corny 😉
Sonic 102.9 is currently playing it in Edmonton! On their website they are taking votes for whether or not it stays. Currently apprix 72% of people say Yes. Go over there and cast your vote:
I voted too!
Hello my fav rockstars…just curious if there will be a DVD or video footage available from your Friday March 23 Sound Academy show? It was the best live show I’ve ever attended!! Thank you again!
that is great news!!
Great News
IME is back see we have all missed you guys
Welcome back you earn it when is the next
New song Jag please tell
That’s awesome! You know, if you keep this up, it’s gonna’ cause some problems with your day jobs! 😉
I do have a question though. How do we get it to a station that doesn’t have it yet? I requested it today and they couldn’t find it. Can I send you the station info?
Jag – so much to love about this song. I was not a TQSMD fan, but you’ve re-invigorated my early IME love with this song. Why?
1. The guitar is some of the best I’ve heard on ANY album (IME or otherwise) since Scenery & Fish and reminds me of the unique feel that album had. It’s the unique sound that made you guys stand out from all the fucking boring garbage out there.
2. A bit of the latin flavor and congas are back. Love me some congas.
3. Great solo. Haven’t heard a solo on a new song in years.
4. Backup vocals sound like something of Scenery. Great.
5. The power of the 2nd “we got the love” chorus takes me all the way back to Dig. A lot of elements of the song are “Diggish”. Getting back to your roots. Love it.
6. 6 minutes? That’s “FU radio” length.
7. Independent? Man, the studio quality is some of the best I’ve heard.
8. Despite the throwbacks to past IME eras it’s fresh.
More of the same, and I will buy any album you put out, and make the trip out from the states to see you guys play. Excited about what’s to come.
Congrats man! You guys deserve it!
Great news!