A 2nd Show Has Been Added!
Well gang… We promised that if you supported us we would find ways to do more for you! We don’t exactly know what shape that will take moving forward, but your overwhelming support for us on this very important first step points to the obvious… another show.
Understand as well that we really had no idea things would play out as successfully as they did regarding the show on the 23rd, so this idea to add another one happened rather abruptly. After a ton of requests from people who didn’t get tickets (and the scalper prices are totally unjustified! $200! c’mon guys…) We felt we had to do something…
The success of the first show as we all know, totally caught us off guard and as we planned the event awhile back, there were absolutely no options for a second. All of the dates surrounding ours were completely booked, and every venue in the city was taken (remember, it’s Canadian Music Week!). So last week this option to add this second kind of fell into our laps, the only catch being that it’s the night before! So how do we do this….
We know that a show before the original one isn’t exactly ideal, and it bothered us a little at first as we didn’t want our fans on the 23rd to feel slighted or put off in any way so together with Live Nation and The Edge a plan was hatched: basically, if you have tickets for the 23rd, you will be emailed a discount code for cheaper tix to the 22nd show, and the Edge will do another Inside Edge discount just like the first time around. In order to manage it, this will be a limited time offer starting Wednesday, Feb 8@10am, until Friday, Feb 10@10pm. The main public sale starts on Saturday. Cool so far?
We also have a crapload of tunes to pick from and we will be inviting fans to help us shape both nights. We will post something soon for you to make your picks! We feel that with an abundance of music and our terrifyingly loyal/knowledgeable fans, we can make both nights something to remember. There are some other cool ideas for the nights that we’re just figuring out so stay tuned leading up to the dates for more info. We will also have some new music for you momentarily which we can’t wait to show you.
After these shows though….. darkness. Just for a little while. We honestly don’t know when things will align and we are actually able to be together once again.
Now talk amongst yourselves…Im currently in the studio watching Chris huff ‘n puff through song number 2! (or is it number 8?)
Jag, and dudes…. remember when BGO came out and you guys visited the station i was working at. Headed up to the release party with you guys.. saw you at a number of htz sponsored shows… as one of the biggest fans since dig.. super glad you’re back together and REALLY hope you guys make it to Calgary (i’ve moved) … reaaaaaally hope to see you guys soon. new song sounds awesome! if i was in ontario, woulda gone to the show for sure! (considering flying in for the next) .
Only a few hours left to go! I am totally hoping for some Hell & Malfunction with a side order of Songburst.
Well, I got Songburst last night.. maybe tonight, Hell & Malfunction???
Hey Jag,
I just got an email from the Edge saying I won 2 passes for the Thursday show. Is this something thats going out to all Edge members that got tickets for the Friday show, or am I special? haha
Saw George Strombolopolous speak at UBC last night and he mentioned you guys as an example of the best Canadian music. So happy you guys are making tunes again and even though you’re not coming to Vancouver, I’m so happy for all the Ottawa people who get to go! You guys are loved and missed!
hey Jag
Last time I saw you guys was on extreme music tour in 04, very excited to see the show on the 23rd. I was wondering, is there going to be an opening band(s)
pardon, extreme music tour was in 2003. my mistake
Jag, i’m beside my self because i managed to get a pair of tix for the 22nd. i put the guitar down for a while due to some nerve complications with my hands, but hearing of these shows and the new drive behind you guys has given me the need (with physio consent) to pick it up again. thanks to you all for that. do some stretches before and after the shows!!
i was at the Barrie show and it kicked ass, always wanted to say thanks for that one. Have fun up there.
Hey Jag,
So pumped about the show. I’m happy with absolutely anything you guys decide to play, but if you could open with 0157:H7 that would be amazing. The first time I heard it was when you guys played Palais Royale in Toronto with 30 Seconds to Mars and Billy Talent. I’ve been to hundreds of concerts and that had to be one of my favorite concert moments (besides the rest of the set!), it’s an epic song. Then you opened with it again for the last show in Barrie – which by the way was one of the best, if not the best concert I’ve ever been to.
It’s been far too long, I almost got to see Brian perform at my family’s (inlaws) charity softball tournament in Parry Sound a year or two ago but unfortunately he had to cancel, so i’m glad i’m getting another chance to see you guys.
Can’t wait for the show, thanks for giving it another go!
by the way, will the DVD from the Barrie show ever get released? or just sending me a copy would be sufficient, haha.
Hey guys,
First and foremost, huge congratulations on the return of IME, it’s very exciting to see such a great Canadian band return to the studio and the stage.
I write in your comments section because i really have no other way to contact you and its a LEAP day…not a real day…which makes it a day to put yourself out there to anything…a day dreams can come true. My dream has always been to write music and sing…and for years i’ve been doing the grind around small venues, spent long hours in jam rooms and studios and recently quit my job to peruse music full time… it’s a blessing to be doing so because i’ve had this exact dream since I was using my mothers umbilical chord as i microphone.
So to get to the point, i know you guys have your opening bands for your two Toronto shows, but in future if your ever considering opening bands, i’d like to suggest my own band POLARITY. We’re Alt.Rock, local, very hard working, and grateful for any opportunity that comes our. If the opportunity to open for IME ever arises, I can promise you we’ll bring a performance and energy worthy of a stage share with IME.
To find out more about us on our website you’ll find both our albums for listening, a full video performance of our last show February 18th in Toronto at the Opera house as we opened for the ladies of Kittie and a review of that performance from Exclaim Magazine.
Happy LEAP day IME. Look forward to seeing the show!
Jasmine Virginia
P.S. Our bass player Mike Smith, is such a huge IME fan he actually shed tears of joy upon hearing of the reunion shows, and luckily i was at the band house to witness this magical moment
Thanks for reaching out. And you know what? I will definitely check you guys out, you never know when a situation where our musical paths crossing may happen. Thanks for the thoughtful note… And give Mike a hug or something! Sometimes thats all an emotional music nut needs… All the best and best of luck. Jt
Hey guys. I would just like to express how deeply happy I and all of my friends are that you are back together. I would die to see these sound academy shows but it’s tough with expenses and not living in the province. I would just like to comment, that although you guys are planning to go about the new direction unconventionally, I can assure you that taking it across Canada would see an outpouring of old and new fans that have been aching to see you guys live since the hiatus. Don’t doubt the immense power your music holds, and the amount of people it affects. There is only one I.M.E., and Canada needs you to represent the best and TRUEST music we have to offer. Big time marketing and media shoving nickelback down people’s throats is NOT the be all and end all of musical exposure. Word of mouth will work very well for you guys and I’ll keep spreading the word!
I hope to see you in Winnipeg in some point!
Your fan forever..Kyle Halldorson.
Merch?? Any chance of some new snazzy designs or perhaps boxes of dusty TQMD swag!!??? Thanks
http://hellandmalfunction.tumblr.com -> An IME Blog
I’d be all over some merch.
If anyone is looking for tickets I found 2 for sale on EBAY. They are a bit pricey, but better than what some people are asking for. Im just glad I got mine the day they went on sale.
Hey Jag,
so you guys are all dads now… will your kids be attending the shows? Do they like listening to IME music? Are they excited to see their dads rock out? Must be really cool for them (and for you guys).
My son and christians son will be there! You have no idea how exciting that is for us. Up until recently they actually had no idea of what we ‘used to do’… Theyve discovered you tube and its hilarious. My son wants me to grow my hair again, and thinks that drummers ‘dont get enough attention cause they’re way in the back…… Poor uncle chris…”
Grow the dreds back.
your kids are gonna get blown away, lol…so fun for your families, bet they will be proud !
Happy to know my favorite band is back!
Do you think you could record your shows? and post it on your web site? Chicoutimi (Qc) is a little bit far away.
Thank you,
we have a few more surprises up our sleeves… wait for it!!
Do you guys know if your having an opeing act yet, or just a long IME set?
I think at this point, all we need is some IME!!! Ha
That last comment rings true with me too! Bought “Scenery and Fish” when I was in Grade 6, along with “Clumsy” by OLP and “Make a Pest a Pet” by Age of Electric…. thus beginning my love for rock music (or alternative…. whatever that means??). 15 years later, and I’m TEACHING grade 6 (sometimes…. I’m a supply teacher), and all 4 of the IME records are still in heavy rotation in my cd player/ ipod/ computer etc. This should be a compliment to the band, seeing how I’ve grown out a lot of the music I used to listen to in Public/High school! Anyway, thanks for adding the second show (for those of us who crapped the bed on getting tickets for the 23rd)… I’m Super pumped for the show… can’t wait to rock out to some old (and new) tunes!
Fantastic! It really means a lot to us just to be a part of peoples lives in some way. Honoured actually…
Thank you for adding the second date! Missed the first one since you need a credit card for presales, and then drove an hour to my nearest ticketmaster only to find it was sold out! (then cried)
I’ve been hooked on IME since my best friend made the suggestion for our grade 6 music project. We made cardboard guitars and jammed while Another Sunday played on a cassette clock radio. 15 years later I keep all your albums in my car, always.
When it comes to rock bands, you were my first.
Thank you for your music, looking forward to the new, and see you on the 22nd!! (with my best friend)
Honored to be your first! Grade 6 though!? Cmon…. Am i really that old? Wow…. Hope your folks aren’t too mad at us…..
apparently IME are headlining a fictional Can-Rock festival featuring bands from the 90’s who reunited this year: http://www.aux.tv/2012/02/i-mother-earth-treble-charger-the-inbreds-and-more-announced-for-auxs-edgesault-98-2012/
Whats up with that shit? As i said before, not down with reunions. Reunions can suck it bitches!!
Got my tickets for the 22nd!!! I can’t wait
I really love the whole making music for the fans idea, actually supporting artists instead of paying the big record companies!
Jag, if Bruce weren’t able to commit due to his other obligations, would the whole thing (continuation) be scraped? would you have tried to find a replacement for Bruce, though I doubt a suitable one exists (maybe Justin Chancellor of TOOL or FLea). Just wondering if the IME continuation had to be all 4 or nothing. The only reason i’m asking about Bruce is cause he’s living in another country which obviously poses the biggest problem logistically.
Keep in mind that we all have other obligations that are really important to us, but Bruces just happen to be in a different country. I know i can speak for the guys when i say that for us to come back without bruce wouldnt have felt right, and we werent interested in even discussing other scenarios. Our sound is the four of us playing together and that is that…
Point taken! See you march 23rd, I’ll be the one in the white tee that says “I melt for rascal flats” with rascal flats crossed out and IME inserted. Throw me a pick and I’ll giggle like a school girl.
I can not stop listening to the beautiful music you guys make. Your guitar playing skills are under-rated.
Take care.
– HC
Will anyone be providing extra percussion at the show? Might we see Daniel back in action !?
Of course! Wouldnt be the same without him! We were just cutting some perc in the studio and it was great being together again….
I’ve been Googling IME regularly for 2-3 years looking for an announcement like this! I’m a huge, huge fan, but I’ve never seen IME live. I have all 4 albums on repeat all the time and honestly, they’re all amazing for different reasons.
I can’t wait until you guys announce a Montreal or Ottawa date… My wife and I won’t miss it!
So excited for new IME music!!!!!!
hey well you want to know what fans want to hear thats awesome although all of your songs are some of my favs of all time i would love to here short cut to muncton and autumn on drugs. also no coma and god rocket …. damn it cant you just do a 4 hour set and play everything lol
Haha! I’d love to see christian whalin’ on the kit to god rocket… I can’t even air drum to that song.
Neither can he!
Hey jag,
My other msg must have got deleted, but I was just wondering about those tix that I bought yesterday through ticketmaster for the 23rd!!? should I be concerned? or is this legit? were their tix added as far as you know? Thanks
No probs… Ticketmaster had a small handful of tickets that were ‘off site’ with different vendors. We asked for them to be made available for fans. Only a handful but every last ticket being available actually means something to us… Not so much for any random vendors. Youre legit buddy!!
Rogers had a few and were selling them via their own box office… Since not many people even knew about it, that’s probably some of the tickets Jag is referring to
Well I think its Wicked you added the second show, and even more so that you are taking the time to explain your thoughts and feelings about how it came to be. You OWE me Nothing, But I think you owe it to yourselves to Continue making Music together. Thanks for your time and your art and thanks Jag for this direct from the artist with no filters BLOG. It is really interesting and inclusive
So psyched for the second show being added! got my ticket as soon as i got home from work today. Nothing would make me happier than to be bombarded with tracks from Dig. Can’t wait,Cheers!!
Come to Vancouver!!!!!! We beg you!
I hate to +1, but indeed!
Did we mention that we’ve got good sushi?
I was excited to hear today that the support was there so much that a second date was added, and then immediately disappointed beyond belief that the second date is actually going to be before the first, and that now IT is going to be the first show in 8 years! Discounted tix do little to make it better for me so I wanted to share my thoughts with you guys. However, I will be there on the 23rd to support and rock regardless! I was and still am SOO stoked that you guys decided to reunite, play a show, and maybe record together again as I’m a huge fan. I bought tix through the presale to make sure I was going to be there to see the reunion! (I’ve seen you guys in both incarnations at least 11 times, and saw Brian during his solo work)
Both nights will rock. Read the blog… most bands wouldnt even bother trying to do this. Its considered “risky” and “unorthodox”… Or maybe just “plain fucking stupid”!! We’ve already stated our own displeasure at doing it this way but as its the only solution possible, so be it. We are going to make both nights equally important and memorable. Im glad that you’ve supported us for so long. Dont sweat the whole “first time in 8 years” thing… The two nights are making up one whole movement, and its only the beginning, and everybody from both nights are on the same side.
Hey Jag ~ You’re totally right on all counts! Thanks for taking the time to respond, we can’t wait for the shows! Bet they will be fucking incredible!!!
I think this deserves an answer (my previous comment was deleted??) – I bought my tickets for the 23rd from a record store in TO, so there is no digital record – is there any way I can get an email for discount tix? If not just say so, I’m probably not the only one wondering.
Of course you deserve an answer. Phone ticketmaster and yell at them. We already have. Solutions are popping up for these little blips and all i can do is post them as they are presented to me. Even then, id rather continue working on the songs ive promised everybody… Ill chew somebody out tomorrow.
I gotta feeling that the set list is going to be Epic!!
That’s great there’s a second show for those that missed out on the first one. However it does kinda suck that it’s now before the original date. (I can’t make the 22nd show) Hopefully a little something extra will be planned for the 23rd!!
Yeah, its not the ideal sitution and we wouldnt have planned it this way as i pointed out in my blog, but it was this, or nothing. So we thought it best to take a chance and make sure everybody who wanted to come and didnt get tickets gets to see us, because we have no immediate plans to do anything else. The idea is to make two great nights for people… Do you think we want one of them to be better than the other? Lol!
Just in case you get bombarded with more question about the code,
I spoke with Ticketmaster, both at retail and their tech line, they stated that second code ‘exists’ but the system isn’t taking it yet.
HOWEVER, those who bought the Edge ones are gonna receive the same discount as the 2nd show bonus. Assuming nothing changes between now and tonight (I got them to sell me the tickets with the 2nd show offer and the final price was the exact same)
Thanks for the update Riley. see you at the shows
Even though I can’t make it to the shows, I won’t be bitter.. Everyone that’s going better rock hard and show the boys they need to make a full comeback so that Everyone can see them.
Can I make a suggestion? Newfoundland next please =)
I have tickets to the March 23rd show and I never received an e-mail with a code for a price reduction on the March 22nd show…
Emails are tonight with codes!
You don’t think it’ll sell out before sat do you…?
Jag, is there actually a discount code for people going to the show on 23rd? Or should we go ahead and buy the Edge presale tickets? Don’t leave us hanging…
Yes, I have not reveived an email either with the code.
just spoke to ticket master about the discount code and they have no idea what I’m talking about. I guess there isn’t a discount for ticket holders on the 23rd??
Email blast is tonight for ticket holders. Dont listen to them! Lol!
I just found out that emails are going out tonight!
Oh well thats what i get for being impatient, I hope the extra money makes it to IME instead of TM!
Me too – Not impatient tho’ – just cautious
maybe a bit of both?
Darkness, for a while… You’re so melodramatic, hahaha!
I know you are but what am I?….. Well, besides melodramatic….
Haha, it’s ok, we all know your type of flair. In fact, we wouldn’t accept any less.
And despite all the fiasco and runnning around like headless chickens and this Prequel Show, as I’ve dubbed it, we’re all very excited and happy for you guys to be receiving such a great response to your work!
Way to go IME!!! Those scalpers robbed me of a ticket for the 23rd. Guess they are gonna have to drop their ticket prices now or keep them!
Fuck! That sucks….. This was a big reason for us in deciding to add the second. Sorry they burned you.
This is great guys. I’m absolutely getting tickets on sat because i missed out on the original show. I can’t fucking wait!!! Thanks for making the effort
means so much to us die hards. I’m bringing my boys with me. Hope to hear mars
new music momentarily..?? Should I pull an all nighter or do u mean momentarily after the show? See u on the 22nd.. I hope
Awesome! Glad you can make it. Im still on track for having song one ready for everybody to have at the show. It will be done before that and I hope people will ask their fave radio stations to play it. Whoever might be brave enough to play it i should say….. Oooh, a challenge!
So one new track will be delivered to radio before March 22nd?
Hopefully way before that! Although we aint deliverin’ shit to nobody this time ’round! Wahooo! (and begging for airplay) The song is what it is and if it naturally finds a home on any station, perfect. If they are brave (and cool) enough to play it and are okay with helping out a truly independent band who has no plan on buying its way back into the system, we’ll gladly find ways to return the support and make sure our fans know it, and support them.
I say play it, and let the people speak… After all, we are who we are. Truer now than ever before.
That’s awesome!! So will IME fans be able to purchase this song too? Or will it just be strictally radio and maybe website available?
Everything we do from now on is strictly for fans, and we’ll always find a way to make sure you have access to the things we do. Any other support we get is icing on the cake, and as grateful as we would be, we’re not too sure it will even happen! We never expect anything to happen, the shows being the prime example. We’ve gone through every scenario possible on how to share new things with everybody and have some pretty interesting ways to go about it. While the basic structure of “here’s a song, give us a buck and download it” is the norm for every band on the planet, I think we would like to see if we cant push the boundaries of the average band/fan relationship a wee bit, and prove a few points along the way. I think we already have. There will definitely be a point in the near future where we ask any and all who believe in us to have a little faith, and commit to some ideas that go way beyond IME, and alter the way we all currently think about and value music.
” Free is also a type of commerce, for some…. Isn’t it?” P. Stonechurch
It’s great to know that we, the fans are able to help and contribute to the cause. It’s also awesome to be talking about new IME ideas after 8 years!! You’ve been missed. I know I have some ideas to throw out there and as you can already see, so do lots of others. Very Excieting stuff my friend
There are only a few bands on the planet worth paying for. I mean, I buy a lot of music but most of the time it’s just decent and usually very corporate. My 3 favourite bands of all time by far are Smashing Pumpkins, Foo Fighters and I Mother Earth.
Interesting that all 3 of going fan-first/art-first these days. Yeah, you all did the corporate thing at one point (& Foo still is), but now it seems like it’s all about music/art/fans and as a fan it feels great! I’m really, really excited to see IME live whenever it is that you guys can make it anywhere close to Montreal.
And you can be sure I’ll be buying everything new you come out with!
Thanks noah. Much appreciated….
Now I need to check the change fees at Aeroplan…
Number 9 … Number 9
Hey, how about something epic for those of us in the U.S. – haha, we miss out on everything up there, especially when it comes to the badass IME grooves.
I haven’t been able to see you guys live since 1994 opening for Dream Theater in NYC – Manhattan Center Studio
Hey, it’s worth a shot!
AMAZING… I missed the first one cause I over slept LOL This is so wicked
Great News!
2 nights of IME for my soul 😀
And thanks for asking for our input for songs!
A suggestion to help make the night memorable — A silk-screened poster to commemorate the night!