JESUS CHRIST!!! Finally…….
Well, better late than never! Here’s the deal…
The Event:
We’ve been sitting on this tune for quite awhile waiting for certain things to happen, forming some new partnerships, and basically just deciding when to bring the rock! We came up with this idea that before we “release” this song into the abyss, we wanted to find a way to reconnect with all of you guys first, as you deserve to hear it before anybody! SOOOOOOO……
A private listening party came up! Basically, it’s free (but please offer up some dough at the door as it’s a pay what you can deal, with all of the proceeds going to The Unison Fund) and we will have little private listening stations set up so you can tune everybody out, and dig into this new tune properly! All you have to do is email and boom, you’re in. We will also be reaching out to certain die hards to come down early to have a listen when it’s nice and quiet. Check your emails!
We will be milling around gabbing with everybody about the tune and then pop up onstage and play a whack of acoustic songs for you. Then obviously…. more milling around. Yes, i’ve been practicing my “mill”.
So overall, its a big thank you to you guys for always being so patient while we get our shit together and make our plans for an awesome 2015!
The Song:
First off, we love it…. and believe you guys will too! It’s not a typical IME song off the hop but of course eventually dives deep into familiar territory. We’ve had it finished for quite awhile but have been coming up with some cool concepts as to how to use this tune to get us across Canada so we can play for you! It’s been a really fucked up year for just about all of us on the personal side, and continually interfered with a lot of progress. We apologize for that but as you all know, that’s just life keeping you humble. Everything seems to be in such a good place now and it’s time to roll!
So, It’s a pretty tough song and we’re not sure who will play it at radio or what impact it will have. Of course, it’s long, it’s complicated, it’s heavy… We’re trying not to think too much about it and really focus more on how you guys feel about it. That being said, the response from the aforementioned industry folk has been incredibly (and surprisingly!) positive all around. It goes to show that individual mandates aside, good is good and there is a place for us!
We will of course need a huge push from you guys at radio as the tune might struggle to find it’s place amongst so much shit cluttering up the airwaves… but hey, let’s give it a go. It’s always been our style to kind of challenge the norm anyhow.
We promise to have a name for it by the event and will of course let everybody know on the day, and then the following week we are hoping to hit radio! This is where you guys come in….
Once it starts out there it will be available through usual means and then that’s that. Whatever happens, happens.
So fucking exciting!
Let’s get through today, and then I will outline the cool things we are working on. So much more.
Talk soon.
Ama a tu Mamá
Release the song on SoundCloud! We all want to hear and share it.
SOOOOOOO?!?! Who went to the show last night? How was the night? HOW WAS THE NEW SONG?!!!!
The new song is awesome…the only problem was I couldn’t get it loud enough at the listening stations. I can’t wait to be able to crank it on my own stereo. In my humble opinion I think it will do well on radio. As for the show, I put it in my top 5 of all time. The boys sounded better than ever…my girlfriend and I were in heaven the entire show.
Thanks for the update, Mike. Glad you were able to make it to the show. Can’t wait to crank the new tune!
Looks like I missed the event!! DAMN!!!! this is great news about some new music from IME!!
Love how Jag describes the new song….. “it’s long, it’s complicated, it’s heavy” …. what a perfect mix for a song!
Thanks again IME…
You guys did laid down an amazing performance last night. The acoustic “I is Us” blew my pals and I away. Keep on bringing the rock. Hopefully see you at some summer festivals.
Has anyone received a reply about getting on the guest list????
Not yet… I sent an email on Monday, but haven’t heard back.
Got mine today
I did today
So excited to hear your new tune! Hope to see you on the 28th! Keep on making quality music – if you build it, we will come.
that’s already making 2015 a better year than the last one !
#goodnews #finally
So excited to hear your new tune! Hope to see you on the 28th! Keep on making quality music – if you build it, we will come.
Awesome! How will we know we got on the list??
I’ve sent off my e-mail! Will there be confirmation we are on the guest list and will you have merchandise for sale??? Thanks, wickedly excited!
So incredibly excited to hear this song ! I don’t know that I will be lucky enough to make it to the big event though
I will however get to hear it on the radio because I know FM96 will be playing it! Hooray for new tuneage !!
This announcement is quite awesome indeed !!!
<3 Cheers !
Hoping to make this grand event, and much thanks to all of you for your never-ending love to the fans
Well, you guys have made my day…maybe my year! Cannot wait to hear the new song, and I can assure you that I will do my part to get the song played on the radio as much as possible. I requested and voted for “We Got The Love” as much as humanly possible and I will repeat my efforts for “???? ?? ???????” I’m assuming that’s the name of the new song. Super excited! I’ve emailed the Phoenix hoping to get on the guest list. Love you guys and everything you do for my ears, mind, and soul. Don’t ever stop making music.
Great news looking forward to the new song !!!
Happy Monday – YES !!!
Well shoot, won’t be able to make that
Fuck yes! Bring that shit to California!!!
Then come warm up in Arizona!!
This is awesome. I can’t wait to hear it! I hope you guys play an acoustic set in Newfoundland, that would make my life!!!!!
Love any I.M.E such a tight band